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(PDF) Influence of Water Limitation and Provenance on …

To better understand the consequences for woody perennials, we restricted watering of potted cuttings of Frangula alnus Mill. in a common garden setting in Belgium during the growing season of 2020. We focused on the responses of three provenances (Belgian, Italian and Swedish) for several reproductive traits in the year of the water limitation.

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Antistaphylococcal and biofilm inhibitory activities of Frangula alnus

Frangula alnus Mill. (syn. Rhamnus frangula L., fam. Rhamnaceae) is a plant from genus Frangula traditionally used as a mild laxative (Kosalec et al., 2013). Beside this, previous studies have shown that plants from genus Frangula express antifungal (Manojlovic et al., 2005), antibacterial (Kremer et al., 2012), antioxidant (Brkanac et al ...

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limestone-influenced wetlands. (5)

R. frangula has an effect on forestry resources. In a 2004 study of its effects on forests, researchers found that R. frangula in the forest understory clearly reduced the extension and radial growth of saplings of all species. R. frangula has an extensive shallow root system and may be a strong below-ground competitor. R. frangula

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Frangula alnus Mill.

Descripción de Frangula alnus. Arbusto o pequeño árbol que alcanza hasta los 4 m de altura. El tronco y las ramas tienen la corteza de color pardo - negruzca. Las ramas son glabras, abundantes, y las ramillas se disponen de forma alterna. Las hojas, de 2 - 7 cm, son simples, alternas, caducas, pecioladas, ovaladas, de margen entero, algo ...

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USDA Plants Database

A synonymized checklist of the plants found growing in Rhode Island. Rhode Island Wild Plant Society. Glenn, S.D. (ed.). 2013. New York Metropolitan Flora database. New York Metropolitan Flora Project, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, New York. Hartman, R. Atlas of the vascular flora of Wyoming. Unpublished and undated. Hogan, Tim.

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Frangula alnus (European buckthorn)

Frangula alnus Mill. European buckthorn, alder buckthorn. Parents: Unknown: Genus is not in the current taxonomy: Genus: Frangula: CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names says: "Perhaps derived from the Latin frangere, 'to break.'" A personal communication from John Kartesz supplied the information that the name refers to its extremely ...

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Analysis of the volatile constituents of Frangula alnus Mill. from …

For the first time, the essential oil from the bark of Frangula alnus Mill. was extracted using the hydrodistillation method and examined by gas chromatography equipped with a flame ionization detector and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Thirty-one compounds were identified, constituting approximately 94.2% of the oil of F. …

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Frangula alnus

Frangula alnus Mill. Common Name: glossy buckthorn: Habitat: Successional forests, thickets, swamps, and disturbed sites. Associated Ecological Communities: ** Growth Habit: ... Herbarium Name Used: none Frangula alnus Bronx: 1965: BKL – BKL00010484 Herbarium Name Used: Frangula alnus ...

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Frangula alnus

Frangula alnus Mill. Images from the web. Quick facts. Threat status Europe: Least Concern (IUCN) The EUNIS species component has very limited information about this species. The main focus of the EUNIS species component is to provide relevant information about the European species protected by Directives, Conventions and Agreements. ...

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Frangula alnus Mill.

Frangula dodonei Ard., 1766 Frangula vulgaris var. parvifolia Beck Rhamnus autumnalis Gand. Rhamnus frangula subsp. columnaris Rhamnus sanguinea Ortega, 1800 …

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Species Profile

Identification: Frangula alnus. is a shrub or small tree with brownish gray bark speckled with easily distinguished elongated, lighter areas called lenticels (Michigan Natural Features Inventory 2012). Bark may be shallowly fissured on larger stems. If a branch is cut, the sapwood (tissue just below the outer bark) is yellow and the heartwood (tissue in the …

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Frangula alnus

Once established, Frangula alnus shades out native understorey plants and it maintains itself through its prolific seed production, vigorous growth over an extended growing season and its ability to regenerate following burning and cutting. These aggressive characteristics make it difficult to eradicate, especially in wetlands ... Mills. S. Y ...

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Frangula alnus Mill.

Identification: Frangula alnus. is a shrub or small tree with brownish gray bark speckled with easily distinguished elongated, lighter areas called lenticels (Michigan Natural Features Inventory 2012). Bark may be shallowly fissured on larger stems. If a branch is cut, the sapwood (tissue just below the outer bark) is yellow and the heartwood (tissue in the …

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Frangula Mill. (Rhamnaceae) The distinctions between Frangula and Rhamnus are many and meaningful; their separation at the generic level seems warranted based on morphological and molecular analyses.. Two species occur in North Carolina, but only F. caroliniana is considered native to the state.

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Frangula alnus Mill.

Frangula dodonei Ard., 1766 Frangula vulgaris var. parvifolia Beck Rhamnus autumnalis Gand. Rhamnus frangula subsp. columnaris Rhamnus sanguinea Ortega, 1800 Rhamnus sibirica G.Nicholson Homonyms Frangula alnus Mill. Common names Alder Buckthorn in English Alder Buckthorn in English Almindelig tørst in Danish European alder buckthorn …

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Frangula alnus Mill. | Plants of the World Online | Kew …

  1. Govaerts, R. (2001). World Checklist of Seed Plants Database in ACCESS E-F: 1-50919. [Cited as Rhamnus frangula.]
  2. Tutin, T.G. & al. (eds.) (1968). Flora Europaea 2: 1-469. Cambridge University Press. [Cited as Frangula dodonei.]

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Frangula alnus in Flora of North America @ efloras

7. Frangula alnus Miller, Gard. Dict. ed. 8. Frangula no. 1. 1768. [I] Glossy buckthorn, European alder-buckthorn Glossy buckthorn, European alder-buckthorn Rhamnus frangula Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 193. 1753. Shrubs or small trees, 2–5(–7) m.Stems greenish to brown, sparsely puberulent, glabrescent.Leaves deciduous; petiole 10–19 mm; blade dull green …

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glossy buckthorn: Frangula alnus (Rhamnales: …

Frangula alnus Mill. Native Range: Europe, Western Asia, North Africa ( REHD ); Europe, No. Africa, Asia ( BAIL ); Frangula alnus is a large shrub or small tree that can grow to heights of 30 ft. (9.1 m). Its bark is gray to …

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Extracts from Frangula alnus Mill. and Their Effects on …

The bark of Frangula alnus Mill (FAM), the so-called alder buckthorn, has been widely investigated for its medicinal properties, especially its laxative effects and the bioactive …

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Крушина ламка — Вікіпедія

Rhamnus frangula L. Крушина ламка ( Frangula alnus ) — листопадний чагарник з родини жостерових. Вид є рідним для Європи, найпівнічнішої Африки (пн. Марокко) та Західної Азії (Сибір, Сіньцзян [зх. Китай ...

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USDA Plants Database

The PLANTS Database includes the following 48 data sources of Frangula alnus Mill. - Showing 1 to 25 «

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Extracts from Frangula alnus Mill. and Their Effects on …

The bark of Frangula alnus Mill (FAM), the so-called alder buckthorn, has been widely investigated for its medicinal properties, especially its laxative effects and the bioactive properties of the plant material extract. Still, there is no wider study devoted to its antibacterial properties. This is important in the context of its impact on probiotic gut …

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Frangula alnus

Alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus Mill.) is a shrub or small tree of 4-5 m, characterised by fleshy fruits. Its wide distribution covers most of the temperate forest zone of Europe up to the Urals and Caucasus, occurring even in the southern Boreal and cool Mediterranean forests. It is a light-demanding pioneer species, thriving on forest edges ...

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Frangula alnus – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

Frangula alnus é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Rhamnaceae.. A autoridade científica da espécie é Mill., tendo sido publicada em The Gardeners Dictionary: eighth edition Frangula no. 1. 1768.. Os seus nome comuns são amieiro-negro, frângula, fúsaro, lagarinho, sangarinheiro, sangarinheiro-de-água, sanguinheiro, sanguinho, …

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Transatlantic invasion routes and adaptive potential in North

Our aim was to identify the European source populations of Frangula alnus (glossy buckthorn), an ornamental and highly invasive woody species that was deliberately introduced into North America at the end of the 18th century. A second aim of this study was to assess the adaptive potential as an explanation for the invasion success of this species.

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Status and Strategy for Glossy Buckthorn (Frangula alnus …

Status and Strategy for Glossy Buckthorn (Frangula alnus Mill.) Management Scope Invasive glossy buckthorn (now Frangula alnus Mill., once Rhamnus frangula L. hereafter GB) has invaded North America since the 1800's; however, it most likely did not become widespread and naturalized until the early 1900s (Converse 1984).

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Frangula alnus Mill.

wfo-0000691852 Frangula alnus Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. 8 : n.º 1 (1768) This name is reported by Rhamnaceae as an accepted name in the genus Frangula (family Rhamnaceae ).

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Toxicity and antioxidant capacity of Frangula alnus Mill. bark and …

1. Introduction. Bark of Frangula alnus Mill. (syn. Rhamnus frangula L.), also referred as Frangulae cortex (Council of Europe, 2008) is widely used as laxative and can be found as component of herbal laxative preparations.Laxative property of F. alnus bark has been attributed to the presence of anthraquinone glycoside derivatives, glucofrangulins …

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Status and Strategy for Glossy Buckthorn (Frangula …

State of Michigan's Status and Strategy for Glossy Buckthorn (Frangula alnusMill.) Management Scope. Invasive glossy buckthorn (now Frangula alnus Mill., …

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The Effects of Frangula Alnus miller on HEK Cells in Cell culture

In the present study toxicity of Frangula alnus Mill. bark, widely used as laxative, was investigated. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBLs) were treated with F. alnus bark extract or emodin ...

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